Monday, March 10, 2008

The meaning of F.A.I.T.H.

Have you ever really thought about the word FAITH? We all use this word and believe we have it, but to do we really?

Webster's defines "FAITH" as a firm belief in something which there is no proof, complete trust.
Webster's defines "Trust" as assured reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something.

Complete trust or FAITH is something we all struggle with and few ever completely achieve.
We have all been let down by someone or something which makes it difficult for us to put our FAITH in someone or something again.

While growing up I had complete FAITH in my dad to catch me when I jumped to him from a tree branch or something high. I had complete FAITH in the rope swing not to break as a would swing higher and higher.

FAITH in GOD is difficult for adults to come by because of all the things that have let us down in the world. Work, friends and family are just a few. Reading the paper each day and watching the nightly news I believe is one of the worst thing a person can do. These two things are the most negative influences on our lives. Companies laying off workers, housing sales are down, prices of homes are dropping, etc. etc. etc. There is rarely a positive item in either format which leads us to believe there is good in this world. People start to wonder "Where is GOD in all of this". "Why is HE allowing this to happen".

The only answer I have is to read GOD's word. I would suggest starting by studying the book of Job, don't just read it but study it.

GOD allowed Job to be tested by Satan, not only that but GOD pointed Job out to Satan. I don't know about you but I pray everyday that GOD does not point me out to Satan to become his target for testing my FAITH.

You have probably been wondering why the word FAITH in the title of my blog has periods between each letter. I can think of a better way to explain the word FAITH than to use each letter in the word FAITH as an acronym. "Forsaking All I Trust Him". In this world with all the negative things we hear and see we are in need of FAITH now more than ever, we truly need to Forsake All earthly things we trust in and Trust GOD for everything. We need to forget about all the negative in this world and focus on the positive. GOD has truly blessed each and everyone of us. When you pray do you spend more time thanking GOD for what he has done for you or do you spend more time asking him for things? Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with asking things of GOD, HE wants the best for us. Remember we are his children. If you are a parent you too want the best for your children and this is exactly how GOD views us. He corrects us when we need it.

My prayer today is that no matter what happens I will trust in GOD. HE will never leave me nor forsake me and HE wants the best for me. I will put my life in HIS hands and will stop stressing over changing jobs or what the future holds. I have no control over these things but HE does.

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